Anyways... so administrator command prompts windows in the taskbar, titled as "Administrator: ", all appear truncated in the taskbar as "Admi" which are troublesome to differentiate if two or more of those are cmd tasks.
So, I was looking for a quick way to re-patch my Windows 8 installation... and now my Windows 8.1 installation and various Windows Servers I deal with... and someone out there asked if there was such a tool so I though I'd spend a few minutes and here is another script that I can now use and take 3 seconds to update a Windows whenever I need...
This is close to OK, but it sometimes doesn't always work... a problem with permissions -- you may need to either "run as administrator" this VBS from explorer or even try steps #2 and #3 yourself, so go to "C:\Windows\System32\en-US\" and change owner and permissions of "cmd.exe.mui" from explorer then try to run this script again... But actually most times, I can just run it once directly and it will work successfully... So it usually it works, but here is the sequence of things it does:
- check to see if backup exist to see if we've already patched the .mui
- load the original .mui file into memory
- patch the .mui file in memory
- take ownership of the .mui file
- allow permissions for the .mui file
- backup the .mui file
- save replace the .mui file
- run mcbuilder to update the system
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set wso = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
b64 = true '' try this if 32bit patch fails
b64 = false '' normally this will work in 64bit windows
oldString = "Administrator: %0" & chr(13) & chr(10) & chr(0)
newString = "! %0" & chr(0)
if Wscript.arguments.count > 0 then
if Wscript.arguments(0) = "-r" then
newString = oldString '' revert to original
end if
end if
newString = newString & right(oldString,len(oldstring)-len(newstring))
if len(newString) <> len(oldString) then '' newString must to be same length as oldString
wscript.echo "ABORT: replacement newString can not be longer than original"
end if
''#0 exists cmd.exe.mui.0
if fso.FileExists("C:\Windows\System32\en-US\cmd.exe.mui.0") then
wscript.echo "warn: backup already exists doing update"
sourcefile = "C:\Windows\System32\en-US\cmd.exe.mui.0"
bOriginal = false '' doing an update sourcing backup
sourcefile = "C:\Windows\System32\en-US\cmd.exe.mui"
bOriginal = true '' doing first time sourcing original
end if
wscript.echo "#1 read.mod cmd.exe.mui"
dim binData
binData = loadBinaryFile(sourcefile)
'' if 1F9EC = "Administrator: %0" cr nl 00 then replace 1F9EC = "21 00 20 00 25 00 30 00" ''
if instr(binData,uniString(oldString)) then
wscript.Echo "found string, patching with: " & newString
binData = Replace(binData, uniString(oldString), uniString(newString), 1,1,0)
wscript.Echo "ABORT: 'Administrator:...' string not found"
End If
saveBinaryFile binData , "C:\Windows\System32\en-US\cmd.exe.mui.1"
if bOriginal then '' doing for the first time
wscript.echo "#2 take.own cmd.exe.mui with takeown"
wso.Run "takeown /f C:\Windows\System32\en-US\cmd.exe.mui"
if b64 then wso.Run "takeown /f C:\Windows\SysWOW64\en-US\cmd.exe.mui"
wscript.Sleep 2000
wscript.echo "#3 fix.perm cmd.exe.mui with icacls"
wso.Run "icacls C:\Windows\System32\en-US\cmd.exe.mui /grant administrators:F"
if b64 then wso.Run "icacls C:\Windows\SysWOW64\en-US\cmd.exe.mui /grant administrators:F"
wscript.Sleep 2000
wscript.echo "#4 ren/back cmd.exe.mui as cmd.exe.mui.0"
fso.MoveFile "C:\Windows\System32\en-US\cmd.exe.mui" , "C:\Windows\System32\en-US\cmd.exe.mui.0"
if b64 then fso.MoveFile "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\en-US\cmd.exe.mui" , "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\en-US\cmd.exe.mui.0"
wscript.Sleep 2000
end if
wscript.echo "#5 replace cmd.exe.mui"
saveBinaryFile binData , "C:\Windows\System32\en-US\cmd.exe.mui"
fso.CopyFile "C:\Windows\System32\en-US\cmd.exe.mui.1", "C:\Windows\System32\en-US\cmd.exe.mui", True
if b64 then fso.CopyFile "C:\Windows\System32\en-US\cmd.exe.mui.1", "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\en-US\cmd.exe.mui", True
wscript.echo "#6 execute mcbuilder"
wso.Run "mcbuilder"
Function uniString(astr)
for x = 1 to len(astr)
uniString = uniString & mid(astr,x,1) & chr(0)
end function
Function loadBinaryFile(path)
Dim fso, ts, a, i
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ts = fso.getFile(path).OpenAsTextStream()
a = makeArray(fso.getFile(path).size)
i = 0
While Not ts.atEndOfStream '' Don't use = by ts.readAll(), as not BinaryFile
a(i) =
i = i + 1
loadBinaryFile = Join(a,"")
wscript.echo "read " & path & " " & fso.getFile(path).size & ", close"
End Function
Sub saveBinaryFile(bstr, path)
Dim fso, ts
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
''On Error Resume Next
Set ts = fso.createTextFile(path)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
wscript.echo "Error: " & Err.message
Exit Sub
End If
''On Error GoTo 0
wscript.echo "close save " & path
End Sub
Function makeArray(n)
makeArray = Split(Space(n)," ")
End Function
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